Storms roll
Deep inside.
Thunder echoes
But I cannot run and hide.
The voices,
Are deep inside.
And they won't let me go.
I am being held captive,
By my own insides.
Lightning shatters -
In the blinding light -
And I am overwhelmed.
I am not alone,
Yet, I feel alone.
In the middle of a crowd,
I am alone.
My head wont calm down.
My thoughts are running,
Running far away from me -
And they wont slow down.
I try to keep up
I try to hold on
To believe my sanity is not gone.
I just cannot.
Because every other part of me
Screams that I am gone.
So I search,
For a single thread to grasp on.
A little bit of light,
A little voice,
But the night is coming on.
And I am loosing the fight.
I cannot,
I cannot keep up this facade.
I need some light!
Open up the doors,
Swing wide the gates,
Someone, come in.
Reaching out,
Speaking loud.
Someone make my walls
Break down.
Make me,
Come out.
All I want, is to be found.